it would be cool to have an option to almost "prestige" eg replay from the start but keep the stickers. try to make her gain as fast as possible. im also confused on what the lactation does. besides a level of difficulty having to keep track of the milk level does it do anything?
hey, have to point out that there is no way to open the menu on Android, which means no way to save so it's pretty pointless as of now, (also tried running the PC version on Joyplay but that didn't work...)
You need to calm down, think before you start rageposting, and learn some breathing exercises. You would feel a lot better and make a few more friends that way.
So Joiplay is a bit finicky, you can play this on it but you need to get the latest version of the app and renpy plugin from their patreon. Here's the link to the newest version
Ignore the alert about a better version of the plugin and make sure one of the buttons on the virtual gamepad is escape and you're good to go
Great game But the gatcha stickers are driving me nuts, i have like 20 of each the low level ones, severla of each of the higher tiers but only 2 legendaries. I understand that's how gachas work.... but at least let me combine 10 of them into another spin or like... add a way to get more slots.
I'm just nitpicking obviously.... it's a gatcha, but come on.... am i that unlucky.
Yet another amazing update - I love seeing where this game is going, and as per usual, I want to provide my thoughts on some of the latest changes (at least the changes I've noticed):
- Pause menu animation: Awesome. Really nice touch.
- Notepad: I originally wrote a note here about how it was good that the music stopped so it indicated to the player that time is also stopped (though the new countdown also reveals that), but it would be cool (but potentially a lot of work) if it had a different variants of music that are more toned down instead of silence - apparently you guys beat me to it, and playing back I realised it actually did have alternate tracks which is sick
- Vending machine: When you first get the vending machine unlocked, all of the items are the same exact price now. While not necessarily bad, as a first opinion to the user, it does kind of degrade the 'illusion of choice' a little - for sure each item works differently, but they also all cost the same. Perhaps one could be $30, one $45, etc. for a bit more flavour (obviously this is nitpicking as I'm sure more vending machine content is likely to come down the line anyways)
- The plate icons at the top right are constantly visible, even in the introduction cutscenes. This confused me initially as, until I had actually grabbed my first item, I was stuck wondering what these weird 'pill-shaped ovals' over the amazing art was. Fixes would be either hiding these in cutscenes, only showing plates when you have food on them, adding an extra 'indent' curve to the plate, or even recolouring it to cream white or silver
- The floating text that appears when you place down food is a nice touch, and implies that the complexity of the order and speed of delivery can influence it (though this isn't expressly confirmed to the user as far as I can tell)
- Big fan of the new customer variants, both coloured and uncoloured (though its almost bittersweet in a way - I love the monotone goofballs too; would be awesome if there was an easter egg, or sticker, or some way to bring these old fellas back haha). An interesting thing from the new sprites is it also gives a third additional way to remember orders (colour, number, or distinct character sprites)
- Ideally the plates in the kitchen should highlight when you hover over them and the food is done; as it stands no highlighting occurs which, when every other interactable has a highlight, is a bit confusing to the player and makes them second guess if they can click on it initially (kinda ties into 'game feel' if you would. Showing the highlight only when food is cooked would also help alleviate the issue where the progress visual on food reveals some margin of transparent pixels on either side too, meaning that theres a fraction of time where the food appears complete but is not yet clickable)
- Would be nice if the held plate icons at the top right also had a highlight for this reason
- The different bottom arrow sprites is a nice touch that help isolate each screen from the other (not sure if this was a recent change or I'm only just noticing it)
- For the first few beginning days, the waves are a bit aggressively obvious - you end up with 2 customers immediately, then nothing for 40+ seconds, then 2 customers, then nothing for ages, etc.; whilst this is great for difficulty in the later days, the beginning may need a bit more balancing (and again, this is just balance, i.e. the boring stuff that comes with time. No one is expecting perfection here yet as stuff changes haha)
- I appreciate that tables have both colours and numbers now (the numbers in particular are ideal for colour blind individuals), however perhaps an accessibility option could be added to show the table numbers in the main area overview too, since if you rely on the numbers due to colour blindness, your only solution is to try and remember positions on top of everything else, or click on every table until you find it otherwise
- I did have around day 3 or 4 a comment from little cowe stating the 'cafe was doing unpopular?', however it wasn't clear to me why this was happening as a player. I hadn't made a single mistake, I was upgrading as often as I could, and I was incredibly rapid in my deliveries. It would be nice if little cowe gave a bit of justification about what the customers aren't liking so it turns it from a negative 'you did bad, but I wont tell you what' into a more constructive 'you did bad, here's what to improve' comment
- It would be funny if higher player weight made you slower in screen transitions (fan service c'monnnn)
- The 'ask again' feature (or what I assume is the 'ask again' feature, as I saw the bubble but never actually clicked on it) needs some introduction to the player, since its a random button that suddenly appears with no explanation. Something as simple as an extra part in the tutorial "Let's pretend you forgot, you can press the bubble to ask again but it will affect your tips/client satisfaction" would suffice
- A transition between subsequent days may be needed at this point, as the music and everything suddenly 'resets', but it isn't clear what actually happened until you see the day counter increased and its now morning (basic fade, music sting, etc. doesn't have to be something stupidly cinematic)
- I'm a little skewed on the addition of addons (hehe) like sugar. It's not immediately clear by reading the upgrade, and even when you first purchase it, what the system does (I sat there clicking on it thinking it was supposed to increase my fullness when I eat or something but I must have misread the wrong upgrade), and I didn't work it out until my first order; at which point when you get to the stage of adding addons, you're probably pretty quick, and so I clicked through it too quickly and realised I stuffed up. It could be nice if little cowe came back when you purchased your first addon and gave you a brief introduction to what it entails? Maybe I'm just being a clicky clicky doofus though and just need to slow down
All in all, I think this update like the others is smashing it out of the park. I absolutely don't want any of this to sound negative as I love the work being done here, and instead am just providing my (probably biased) two cents. Cheers big ears!
lovely feedback once again!!!! i am just the humble crayon scribbler so i'm passing on all this wonderful feedback to the code goblin, but seriously - thank you for going so in depth and your continued support <3
i will definitely advocate for the slow screen transitions though. that idea is genius and exactly the kinda stuff i want fr.... if you see that in the next update we 100% stole it from you (this is my testimony admissible in court)
Hey! I loved your previous game too, I'm glad to see you are working on this one, I'm loving it so far! Is there a FAQ for stuff regarding the game current and planned content? Juts curious about a few things^^.
Planned content is something we like to keep fairly close to our chest for a nice surprise for everyone, but the changelog usually comes out a couple of days before the public version is released over on our discord! As for anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask here on itch or on the discord! (We check the discord more frequently so you might get a faster response there)
Thank you!!! This game brought me so much joy. Some day I want to make games like this, or join your team. Shit's meaningful. <3 <3
I LOVE the artwork!!! She's so fucking cute, she gives my heart a boner. It would be so easy to fuck up the art I feel like, it's magic to me how so much character is put into the rendering of the main character! It really makes the experience.
(Also the customers in the cafe are all very cutesy and funny too! Consistent style, cute worldbuilding, light overrall mood.)
(Also also the artwork for the stickers was super hot...!)
I found the gameplay a little stressful ;_; but maybe it's because I used a trackpad? Or because I'm a perfectionist? I don't know. I definitely don't want to complain, because the gameplay is original, and easy to understand, and well-executed! But... I found it a little stressful.
One thing that really got me excited was when I would accidentally load an order into the inventory before it was completed, and then I would just be like "ah shit, I'm sorry cowgirl, I gotta stuff this in your face to clear the inventory!" Those moments were fucking erotic to me, and I wish the gameplay emphasized it more somehow. But instead I would pretty much always just spam click cake and feed her real quick at the beginning of the shift to get it out of the way like a chore. So I didn't get to have those natural emergent-gameplay-ey moments as often as I would have liked.
Anyway, all in all I was super happy to see another game by Galactase, and playing it made feel not just horny but super joyful! Thank you so much for your work and for offering this for free!! I want to encourage you super hard because this was dope and I loved it! Thanks!!!
So many compliments, yippee!!! I'm glad you find all the art cute!! The difficulty is intended, but optional with being able to turn certain parts off or not purchasing certain upgrades, so we hope you can set your own pace to what's most comfortable since there's no over-arching deadline you need to make an arbitrary amount of money by. However, I understand the urge to play with all condiments and everything no matter how difficult it can be...!!!
Hope the silly pic I made about that scenario you had fits well hehe.
Finally, as weird as it may be, I'm glad my art can be seen as more than just cutesy! I did worry that my style wouldn't lend itself well to the fetishy nature, but I've been receiving compliments non stop from everyone which makes me happy!
Thanks for dining at HHC, and we hope to see you again soon!
Uh... so before the bugfix was released i got a legendary item which should have expanded my inventory by 1 permanently i think, but nothing happened. Will that be lost to me since it said I can get this only once?
You have to apply the sticker to your notepad and it can only be put on your notepad one time. It's not consumable, just limited in how many of them can be put on your notepad.
I think saving is bugged again, at least for android. No buttons at the bottom to open the menu. And I'm not sure if two people ordering are supposed to only order the same thing.
Aw you sure? Wouldnt take much to have a little plaque on the wall in the managers office with your username or an icon or something. On the house ! No stress if the answer is no tho!
Hello! We hear ya when you say the gacha is cheese-able, but as its a single player experience we don't mind it too much. If you wanna reload a save until you get a gold, have at it!
On a side note I hate to tell everyone that you've all been gas-lit into thinking the "Extra Money" sticker does... anything...
A certain someone forgot to, err, implement it. So as it stands, that sticker didn't help! It will work in the next update though we pink promise.
Yet another banging update. The upgrade system is ingenious, especially since it allows you to temporarily upgrade yourself, permanently upgrade yourself (gacha), and permanently upgrade the restaurant too. It gets considerably more hectic now which I love, and in a way, the notepad acts as a way to help ease new players in, and not using the notepad is a risky skill-based tactic to maximise efficiency (since you save time not writing down, but if you stumble you have nothing to go back on), instead of the previous update where it was more of a suggestion.
As always the art style is adorable, and the comedy is on-point (weapon foreshadowing much.) The more I play, the more I see myself thinking of other systems from real-world American diners (and classic flash games like Papa's Pizzeria) that could be used as inspiration points - for example, maybe there are "high priority" customers with quicker tempers that tip more; maybe there is a penalty for providing the wrong food to a table instead of it just not letting you place it (less tip, more anger, etc.); maybe there is a chance for random disguised restaurant inspectors who affect the popularity of the place based on their service; maybe some upgrades come with a penalty (like one which upgrades the kitchen, providing faster cooking speeds, but introduces a new menu item you have to remember); so on and so forth. I can't wait to see where this evolves with time. Great work team!
Amazing feedback!!! lots to think about here, wanted to reply to certain aspects:
Firstly, the dreaded notepad! I myself only just found out today that the in game timer stops when you pull the notepad up! We were supposed to have included a little bit of dialogue explaining this but hopefully that will see to an increase in it's usability whenever the next update comes we will make sure that's more obvious.
Thanks for the lovely compliments on the style and humour, Galact's writing is always on point hehehe.
The Papa's series of games are a huge inspiration for me when it came to brainstorming ideas for the game, though i've always been more of a Freezeria player myself B)
The high priority or VIP customer idea and mystery shopper/inspector idea sounds fun, ill pass it along to Galact, and we already have ideas on how to make the game more difficult through optional upgrades, so look forward to those when they appear!
Once again, thanks for playing our silly little game
Looks promising, the artstyle is cute! Notebook mechanic has potential, really-really like it, but right now you can just memorize an order per table and serve them much quicker than if you had to write it all down. Perhaps add more complexity to the orders, like preferences, extras for a dish or simply more orders per table?
Galac might not have replied, but did take note of this! We're trying to get the base stuff down first for the gameplay loop, but making it incrementally more challenging to give a reason to use the notepad more is in our list of things to do. Look forward to feature or two like this in the future!
Great game flow, and it's really interesting leaving the notation entirely up to the player to work out how they want to write orders with limited space and symbols. One issue I've noticed though is there is actually almost no incentive to use the notepad unfortunately. Whenever a customer arrives, even if a bunch arrive at once, you can just as easily click on one, immediately get their order from the kitchen and serve it, then click on the next pair, and so on - there's no penalty for going to the kitchen over and over again, so there's no reason to try and be smart and remember a bunch of things at once. I reckon if going to the kitchen passed time faster by even a little, then that means you've got more of a reason to write down as much as possible to minimise trips.
I plan to eventually make the process of cooking dishes take time after you order them. That, however, will probably come with an increase to all the timers. Longer shifts, more time that the customers will wait, etc. I'm waiting for the game to have more substance before I commit to that because making shifts longer right now probably isn't a good idea lol
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love how Sky is just letting her ADHD-addled brain block out the noise
it would be cool to have an option to almost "prestige" eg replay from the start but keep the stickers. try to make her gain as fast as possible. im also confused on what the lactation does. besides a level of difficulty having to keep track of the milk level does it do anything?
Can you make a menu for Android? Kinda getting tired of having to restart
They already did, it at the bottom
I don't see it
Not there. It's just not there.
Maybe you had to update the game
hey, have to point out that there is no way to open the menu on Android, which means no way to save so it's pretty pointless as of now, (also tried running the PC version on Joyplay but that didn't work...)
dude it takes like an hour max to beat the game. just wait until you have the time to do it in one shot
yeah sure, then when the next update comes i just do it all over again right? again and again every time i want to check the game out.
please do try to think more before giving advise
Unfortunately, saves wouldn't translate between versions either way so with each update you'd have to start from scratch
You need to calm down, think before you start rageposting, and learn some breathing exercises. You would feel a lot better and make a few more friends that way.
this is an overall good advice to not do things you'll later regret
u talking to me or him
you clearly put more effort into being polite
on the buttom of the screen is the menu button where you can save the game.
But you can only save when the shift is over. Idk why
So Joiplay is a bit finicky, you can play this on it but you need to get the latest version of the app and renpy plugin from their patreon. Here's the link to the newest version
Ignore the alert about a better version of the plugin and make sure one of the buttons on the virtual gamepad is escape and you're good to go
Great game
But the gatcha stickers are driving me nuts, i have like 20 of each the low level ones, severla of each of the higher tiers but only 2 legendaries.
I understand that's how gachas work.... but at least let me combine 10 of them into another spin or like... add a way to get more slots.
I'm just nitpicking obviously.... it's a gatcha, but come on.... am i that unlucky.
Yeah, it's not rigged, so it's completely luck based.
Yet another amazing update - I love seeing where this game is going, and as per usual, I want to provide my thoughts on some of the latest changes (at least the changes I've noticed):
- Pause menu animation: Awesome. Really nice touch.
- Notepad: I originally wrote a note here about how it was good that the music stopped so it indicated to the player that time is also stopped (though the new countdown also reveals that), but it would be cool (but potentially a lot of work) if it had a different variants of music that are more toned down instead of silence - apparently you guys beat me to it, and playing back I realised it actually did have alternate tracks which is sick
- Vending machine: When you first get the vending machine unlocked, all of the items are the same exact price now. While not necessarily bad, as a first opinion to the user, it does kind of degrade the 'illusion of choice' a little - for sure each item works differently, but they also all cost the same. Perhaps one could be $30, one $45, etc. for a bit more flavour (obviously this is nitpicking as I'm sure more vending machine content is likely to come down the line anyways)
- The plate icons at the top right are constantly visible, even in the introduction cutscenes. This confused me initially as, until I had actually grabbed my first item, I was stuck wondering what these weird 'pill-shaped ovals' over the amazing art was. Fixes would be either hiding these in cutscenes, only showing plates when you have food on them, adding an extra 'indent' curve to the plate, or even recolouring it to cream white or silver
- The floating text that appears when you place down food is a nice touch, and implies that the complexity of the order and speed of delivery can influence it (though this isn't expressly confirmed to the user as far as I can tell)
- Big fan of the new customer variants, both coloured and uncoloured (though its almost bittersweet in a way - I love the monotone goofballs too; would be awesome if there was an easter egg, or sticker, or some way to bring these old fellas back haha). An interesting thing from the new sprites is it also gives a third additional way to remember orders (colour, number, or distinct character sprites)
- Ideally the plates in the kitchen should highlight when you hover over them and the food is done; as it stands no highlighting occurs which, when every other interactable has a highlight, is a bit confusing to the player and makes them second guess if they can click on it initially (kinda ties into 'game feel' if you would. Showing the highlight only when food is cooked would also help alleviate the issue where the progress visual on food reveals some margin of transparent pixels on either side too, meaning that theres a fraction of time where the food appears complete but is not yet clickable)
- Would be nice if the held plate icons at the top right also had a highlight for this reason
- The different bottom arrow sprites is a nice touch that help isolate each screen from the other (not sure if this was a recent change or I'm only just noticing it)
- For the first few beginning days, the waves are a bit aggressively obvious - you end up with 2 customers immediately, then nothing for 40+ seconds, then 2 customers, then nothing for ages, etc.; whilst this is great for difficulty in the later days, the beginning may need a bit more balancing (and again, this is just balance, i.e. the boring stuff that comes with time. No one is expecting perfection here yet as stuff changes haha)
- I appreciate that tables have both colours and numbers now (the numbers in particular are ideal for colour blind individuals), however perhaps an accessibility option could be added to show the table numbers in the main area overview too, since if you rely on the numbers due to colour blindness, your only solution is to try and remember positions on top of everything else, or click on every table until you find it otherwise
- I did have around day 3 or 4 a comment from little cowe stating the 'cafe was doing unpopular?', however it wasn't clear to me why this was happening as a player. I hadn't made a single mistake, I was upgrading as often as I could, and I was incredibly rapid in my deliveries. It would be nice if little cowe gave a bit of justification about what the customers aren't liking so it turns it from a negative 'you did bad, but I wont tell you what' into a more constructive 'you did bad, here's what to improve' comment
- It would be funny if higher player weight made you slower in screen transitions (fan service c'monnnn)
- The 'ask again' feature (or what I assume is the 'ask again' feature, as I saw the bubble but never actually clicked on it) needs some introduction to the player, since its a random button that suddenly appears with no explanation. Something as simple as an extra part in the tutorial "Let's pretend you forgot, you can press the bubble to ask again but it will affect your tips/client satisfaction" would suffice
- A transition between subsequent days may be needed at this point, as the music and everything suddenly 'resets', but it isn't clear what actually happened until you see the day counter increased and its now morning (basic fade, music sting, etc. doesn't have to be something stupidly cinematic)
- I'm a little skewed on the addition of addons (hehe) like sugar. It's not immediately clear by reading the upgrade, and even when you first purchase it, what the system does (I sat there clicking on it thinking it was supposed to increase my fullness when I eat or something but I must have misread the wrong upgrade), and I didn't work it out until my first order; at which point when you get to the stage of adding addons, you're probably pretty quick, and so I clicked through it too quickly and realised I stuffed up. It could be nice if little cowe came back when you purchased your first addon and gave you a brief introduction to what it entails? Maybe I'm just being a clicky clicky doofus though and just need to slow down
All in all, I think this update like the others is smashing it out of the park. I absolutely don't want any of this to sound negative as I love the work being done here, and instead am just providing my (probably biased) two cents. Cheers big ears!
lovely feedback once again!!!! i am just the humble crayon scribbler so i'm passing on all this wonderful feedback to the code goblin, but seriously - thank you for going so in depth and your continued support <3
i will definitely advocate for the slow screen transitions though. that idea is genius and exactly the kinda stuff i want fr.... if you see that in the next update we 100% stole it from you (this is my testimony admissible in court) not pressing charges aiding and abetting?
the seating upgrade description says it adds +2 seconds to customer happiness but it only adds 1 to the current bonus
Hey! I loved your previous game too, I'm glad to see you are working on this one, I'm loving it so far! Is there a FAQ for stuff regarding the game current and planned content? Juts curious about a few things^^.
Planned content is something we like to keep fairly close to our chest for a nice surprise for everyone, but the changelog usually comes out a couple of days before the public version is released over on our discord!
As for anything else you're curious about, feel free to ask here on itch or on the discord! (We check the discord more frequently so you might get a faster response there)
I think it's the first time that I play such a cute WG game. Love it <3
Thank you!!! This game brought me so much joy. Some day I want to make games like this, or join your team. Shit's meaningful. <3 <3
I LOVE the artwork!!! She's so fucking cute, she gives my heart a boner. It would be so easy to fuck up the art I feel like, it's magic to me how so much character is put into the rendering of the main character! It really makes the experience.
(Also the customers in the cafe are all very cutesy and funny too! Consistent style, cute worldbuilding, light overrall mood.)
(Also also the artwork for the stickers was super hot...!)
I found the gameplay a little stressful ;_; but maybe it's because I used a trackpad? Or because I'm a perfectionist? I don't know. I definitely don't want to complain, because the gameplay is original, and easy to understand, and well-executed! But... I found it a little stressful.
One thing that really got me excited was when I would accidentally load an order into the inventory before it was completed, and then I would just be like "ah shit, I'm sorry cowgirl, I gotta stuff this in your face to clear the inventory!" Those moments were fucking erotic to me, and I wish the gameplay emphasized it more somehow. But instead I would pretty much always just spam click cake and feed her real quick at the beginning of the shift to get it out of the way like a chore. So I didn't get to have those natural emergent-gameplay-ey moments as often as I would have liked.
Anyway, all in all I was super happy to see another game by Galactase, and playing it made feel not just horny but super joyful! Thank you so much for your work and for offering this for free!! I want to encourage you super hard because this was dope and I loved it! Thanks!!!
So many compliments, yippee!!!

I'm glad you find all the art cute!! The difficulty is intended, but optional with being able to turn certain parts off or not purchasing certain upgrades, so we hope you can set your own pace to what's most comfortable since there's no over-arching deadline you need to make an arbitrary amount of money by. However, I understand the urge to play with all condiments and everything no matter how difficult it can be...!!!
Hope the silly pic I made about that scenario you had fits well hehe.
Finally, as weird as it may be, I'm glad my art can be seen as more than just cutesy! I did worry that my style wouldn't lend itself well to the fetishy nature, but I've been receiving compliments non stop from everyone which makes me happy!
Thanks for dining at HHC, and we hope to see you again soon!
woww I love that drawing xD yeah that's exactly the feeling I was talking about
Uh... so before the bugfix was released i got a legendary item which should have expanded my inventory by 1 permanently i think, but nothing happened. Will that be lost to me since it said I can get this only once?
You have to apply the sticker to your notepad and it can only be put on your notepad one time. It's not consumable, just limited in how many of them can be put on your notepad.
Ah, I was being stupid, that was the problem.
Thank you.
I didn't expect Sky in the cafe, I guess she managed to escape : )
A big thank you to our fellow game devs for letting us add cameos to our silly game :3
I think saving is bugged again, at least for android. No buttons at the bottom to open the menu. And I'm not sure if two people ordering are supposed to only order the same thing.
is it bad that they order the same thing ?
I'm just bringing it up cause I'm not sure if it's intentional since the orders were varied last patch.
Just made my weekend!
It's a fun game and I had a good time!
new update goes crazy
cowe says:
beat my high score and get a prize!! (the prize is nothing.) (or is it?!) (its nothing.) (unless????)
I'll take my prize of nothing, please :3
egads... so soon...! are you in the discord server or smthn? I'll sneak a reference in the background of one of the screens to commemorate.!
Oh, haha no I'm not in the discord or anything. I was honestly expecting nothing for this lol
btw your art is extremely cute I love it, very pleasant surprise to see on my feed!
Aw you sure? Wouldnt take much to have a little plaque on the wall in the managers office with your username or an icon or something. On the house ! No stress if the answer is no tho!
Emily's last button:
cool game
great game! I would love to see what can be done in future updates
amazing. when's the next update
Stage 4 stuffed emily is peak. I want to give her a big hug
she thinks you're peak too !!! and she would love a nice hug.
i guess you are my little pogchamp
come here
everyone -1 this guy
OMG! 🥰
This made me so happy
A wonderfull work, keep going :D
Gacha is cheese-able
(+50% money)
Hello! We hear ya when you say the gacha is cheese-able, but as its a single player experience we don't mind it too much. If you wanna reload a save until you get a gold, have at it!
On a side note I hate to tell everyone that you've all been gas-lit into thinking the "Extra Money" sticker does... anything...
A certain someone forgot to, err, implement it. So as it stands, that sticker didn't help! It will work in the next update though we pink promise.
Lol I did not realize
Fire, excited to see where you take this game
Can you please make more games like this? Love the concept and the art, plus the cuteness is perfect. The speed of the gain is the best part.
How do you save game in mobile?
Mobile version was kinda fucked. Uploaded a new one. Should give you the option again.
You telling me that I lose 13 day with three perk.
Well there should be an auto save unless mobile doesn't do that
Okay then
Yet another banging update. The upgrade system is ingenious, especially since it allows you to temporarily upgrade yourself, permanently upgrade yourself (gacha), and permanently upgrade the restaurant too. It gets considerably more hectic now which I love, and in a way, the notepad acts as a way to help ease new players in, and not using the notepad is a risky skill-based tactic to maximise efficiency (since you save time not writing down, but if you stumble you have nothing to go back on), instead of the previous update where it was more of a suggestion.
As always the art style is adorable, and the comedy is on-point (weapon foreshadowing much.) The more I play, the more I see myself thinking of other systems from real-world American diners (and classic flash games like Papa's Pizzeria) that could be used as inspiration points - for example, maybe there are "high priority" customers with quicker tempers that tip more; maybe there is a penalty for providing the wrong food to a table instead of it just not letting you place it (less tip, more anger, etc.); maybe there is a chance for random disguised restaurant inspectors who affect the popularity of the place based on their service; maybe some upgrades come with a penalty (like one which upgrades the kitchen, providing faster cooking speeds, but introduces a new menu item you have to remember); so on and so forth. I can't wait to see where this evolves with time. Great work team!
Amazing feedback!!! lots to think about here, wanted to reply to certain aspects:
Firstly, the dreaded notepad! I myself only just found out today that the in game timer stops when you pull the notepad up! We were supposed to have included a little bit of dialogue explaining this but hopefully that will see to an increase in it's usability whenever the next update comes we will make sure that's more obvious.
Thanks for the lovely compliments on the style and humour, Galact's writing is always on point hehehe.
The Papa's series of games are a huge inspiration for me when it came to brainstorming ideas for the game, though i've always been more of a Freezeria player myself B)
The high priority or VIP customer idea and mystery shopper/inspector idea sounds fun, ill pass it along to Galact, and we already have ideas on how to make the game more difficult through optional upgrades, so look forward to those when they appear!
Once again, thanks for playing our silly little game
great great great great great!!
Great game loop. It's be nice if we had more distinct indication of the time left in the shift, but I can understand if the vagueness is intentional.
very nice start so far <3
Love the art style. I am a big fan of these lower-weight more incremental gains. cant wait for it to be more fleshed out.
Looks promising, the artstyle is cute! Notebook mechanic has potential, really-really like it, but right now you can just memorize an order per table and serve them much quicker than if you had to write it all down. Perhaps add more complexity to the orders, like preferences, extras for a dish or simply more orders per table?
Galac might not have replied, but did take note of this! We're trying to get the base stuff down first for the gameplay loop, but making it incrementally more challenging to give a reason to use the notepad more is in our list of things to do. Look forward to feature or two like this in the future!
Awesome demo bro 😎 6/5⭐ for cuteness style
fun little concept, i look forward to seeing any more of it!
She looks great in her second stage: big boobs and some tasteful chubbiness. 🥰🥰
Its so fun
yo da art slaps !!!! whoever did it must be cool I think and also hot.
I agree on both points
Great game flow, and it's really interesting leaving the notation entirely up to the player to work out how they want to write orders with limited space and symbols. One issue I've noticed though is there is actually almost no incentive to use the notepad unfortunately. Whenever a customer arrives, even if a bunch arrive at once, you can just as easily click on one, immediately get their order from the kitchen and serve it, then click on the next pair, and so on - there's no penalty for going to the kitchen over and over again, so there's no reason to try and be smart and remember a bunch of things at once. I reckon if going to the kitchen passed time faster by even a little, then that means you've got more of a reason to write down as much as possible to minimise trips.
I plan to eventually make the process of cooking dishes take time after you order them. That, however, will probably come with an increase to all the timers. Longer shifts, more time that the customers will wait, etc. I'm waiting for the game to have more substance before I commit to that because making shifts longer right now probably isn't a good idea lol
this is pretty fun. can't wait to see Emily become obese.
I'll give it a shot tomorrow, too late tonight to try it. Looking forward to it.