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Is there gonna be another update?


Can you increase the cheating mode, because I don't want to play it again every time


theres a cheating mode? where?

Tried the app, but I'm already stuck. I cannot go back to the tables after the tutorial, but I can go to the breakroom and back to the kitchenwindow. Just downloaded and installed the app for fun on my phone.

You press the little sign at the kitchen window that says "clock in"

(1 edit)

Yeah even after that, I couldn't go back to the tables with the  back/down arrow at the bottom.

Edit: I did an uninstall and reinstall attempt, but it still didn't work.

An update to my situation. I found out that there is somehow a problem because of multiple inputs and wrong sequences.

Whenever I press and hold with my finger on the down arrow (at the kitchenwindow) the arrow disappears. When I then move my finger around, the arrow starts to flicker, like it gets multiple inputs. The good thing about that is, that sometimes it brings me to the tables screen. 

Now the wrong sequences guess is, because only the kitchenwindow arrow disappears. The tables and breakroom arrow glow up yellow when pressed and move to the other location after release.

Loving the game so far, but like how does one save on Android?

There is a bearly noticable "menu" button on the bottom of the screen it might be hard to press but one's you do you will find the option to save


Love the game! I think it would be cool to have a gallery of sorts for the different cutscenes/cgs/events like the belly grab one or the stuck in the booth one. I love the work that went into the game but it's a shame I have to reload saves to experience the events again.


0.4.2 update contents are suuuper cool! I was so glad to discover it! Cheers! <3

(2 edits) (+1)

Firstly, yet another astonishing update. This game has come a long way and I’m so happy for all the people involved :D

As is tradition at this point, I’ve collated a list of general feedback notes. You’ll probably note that quite a lot of these are minor and mainly polish related, since that’s in general a reflection of how things are coming along which is amazing. Again, I’m a silly goober - take all of these with a grain of salt. It may just be my playstyle and these aren’t as much of an issue as I make them seem to be. Some of the mechanic ideas may also not be what you guys have planned for the future, and that’s okay. I’m just spit-balling here so I get them written down somewhere before I forget. Keeping a small scope is important for game development, and some of these may detract from the most important parts of the experience!

  • The ability to customise Little Cowe is a cute touch, me likey
  • I feel like on the first day, customer waves should be spread a little more (whenever something is initially introduced, the first shift or day should probably only be like 0.5x intensity, so it lets the player get into the rhythm a little better).
  • The bedroom after shifts is nice, though perhaps an extra dialogue line after ‘Shift ended. You got $##.00’, like ‘I’m tired. I should head home now…’ would help ease the transition slightly.
  • Instead of a ‘To Work’ sign, how about interacting with the bed to sleep? (immersion idea)
  • A bit of weighted randomness, or using the grab bag approach, could be useful at the beginning, so we don’t get a new customer of the same type in the same seat immediately after the first was served. This becomes less of an issue at higher levels though, since practically all seats are filled all the time so you don’t notice.
  • I’m loving the cameos
  • [Technical] The highlight around tables when hovering also extends the mouse hitbox. This is good in terms of providing a larger hit detection range for those quick mouse movements, however in my opinion the highlight should not take hit detection priority over tables/customers that get occluded by said highlight (in other words, the highlight should expand the hitbox, but be on a layer underneath the table and customer sprites; meaning that if a table is behind another, even if you accidentally hover over the table in front, the moment your mouse enters the sprite of the other table it swaps to that as the focus; instead of currently where the highlight extends the range of the table in front). This does technically apply for everything interactable and not just tables, but they are the things where you notice it the most as they are all on top of eachother. Especially when you upgrade to add more and more tables. Misclicking tables is also really bad because you can start an order before you’re ready, and exit out of it by accident in a panic before you’ve written it down. Hopefully I worded this well - I might not be making sense here haha. Easiest place to see this is when there’s someone short in seat 6, and someone tall or wearing a hat in seat 3. Or the same with seats 2 and 8, or 1 and 3, etc.
  • Potential immersion idea: Could have an item in the bedroom that allows you to save your game - you can do this with RMB, but it’s not immediately intuitive since you don’t right click anything else in the game. having a distinct item you left click on would feel more natural and make sure people know how to save [UPDATE: Ignore this, I didn’t realise ESC also works, which is pretty stock standard. This feature would just be for additional immersion but is definitely not required.]
  • [Polish] It could be cool to implement “dynamic music”. Currently music does change when you’re in a shift vs. when you’re just hanging out on break, however it would be a nice touch if the music tracks had variants for different areas of the same building (like when you enter the backroom, or the manager’s office, it’s still the same track but with less/different instruments)
  • The tip floating text is much appreciated
  • The auto-serve sound (Break Time’s Over sticker) feels a little out of place thematically (I couldn’t tell what it meant initially until I witnessed it happened because I was out the back for the first few occurrences. That and it plays at the same time as the entry bell, but the entry bell sounds like it starts later because it begins with silence). It could even be something like a cat meow or cat bell sound to play into Charlotte’s?
  • [Mechanic Idea] Could be cool for upgrades for cafe decorations too (like how it was done with outfits), such as different seat styles, wall decor, layouts, perhaps different stations that introduce new food types and complicate orders further.

Maybe the interior upgrades attract more of the cameo characters as decor improves? Before then it would be more of the generic ones. (Plus, nice decor = better ambience = better tips = more patience) - could even do fun items like jukeboxes.

  • Option to recycle, upgrade, sell, or reroll duplicate stickers in some manner? (maybe you can combine lower tiers for higher tiers; or you can scrap stickers for some sort of ‘sticker shards’ units, that can be combined into another random sticker; or even a sticker blackmarket; just something so that duplicate rerolls dont feel as disappointing, especially at the start when you only have like 2 or 3 stickers and have so many to collect, yet you already get a duplicate because you haven’t unlocked the mechanics for the other sticker types yet)
  • [Polish] Maybe the bedroom should get messier with player weight (starts clean, slowly the chips and soda appears on the desk, then the blanket becomes unkempt, then maybe the mattress gets a minor indent, etc.)

[Mechanic Idea] At some point perhaps you can upgrade to a nicer apartment since you outgrow the old one (at which point mechanics such as Energy could be implemented, and nicer apartments rejuvenate you better, or some other unique things that extend beyond cosmetics)

  • There’s a few funny story telling opportunities that I don’t feel get explored in the earlier parts of the player’s progression, such as Penny could complain about needing to make so much cake, or Little Cowe stating that its weird they need to keep ordering so many cookies all of a sudden (hinting at the player’s snacking habits)
  • [Mechanic Idea] Maybe the player at higher levels needs to clean tables, setup placemats and cutlery, and/or clean dishes as additional tasks? The computer could be used to hire someone to automate these.
  • I love the new cutscenes; beyond obviously being hilarious and adorable, it really builds immersion too, as it now feels like there’s people living in this world (on top of the intro showing the other cafes, and the bedroom showcasing a city outside the window)
  • Not sure if its a bug or intended, but the eating Penny scene (Day 11 for me) didn’t allow my character to digest food from the morning (could be intended since they spent that time eating more). In the later cutscene with a similar outcome, it’s stated the player feels full and didn’t get a chance to digest, so including a similar line in this cutscene would help.
  • [Bug] Room To Grow (Rare) had the grey (Common) background in the popup when I received it, but in the clipboard it has the correct purple background
  • [Polish] We’re getting to the point where it could be time to consider minor animations? (i.e. tail wag of the player, full stomach gauge meter could bounce a little, the notepad pencil could move when hovering, the movement arrows could bounce in the direction when hovering, etc.)
  • Milk production seems quite fast when you first unlock it. Like the above recommendation, perhaps for the first shift or first day it only functions at 0.5x speed? That or it starts slow, and as weight increases a few more grades, it also increases in rate. This is mainly an issue because at the beginning you start with a really small capacity.
  • [QoL] Pressing the milk room button should probably start milking immediately, as its an additional redundant click (you wouldn’t be going to the room unless you needed it; and this behaviour is inconsistent with when your milk meter is exceeded and automatically forces you to be milked, which doesn’t require an additional click)
  • [Bug?] Pre-filled stickers slots in the clipboard can be replaced with different types in a single click, but not different rarities (for example, if you select a prefilled sticker slot of Break Time’s Over (Uncommon), you can replace it with Employee Retention Strategy (Uncommon), but not Break Time’s Over (Legendary). You must first set it to a blank sticker, then to the rarity you want.)
  • [Mechanic Idea] Option to sell produced milk for additional money? Currently it seems like a punishment for reaching higher levels (which it should be, as it’s an end-game challenge, but there should also be something rewarding for sticking through it to the player imo.)
  • Damn, the scale is sassy!

haven't read through yet but seeing your name in the comments always makes me happy! thanks for always giving us such plentiful feedback <3

time for me to read all dis yap now (hehe)


Achievement unlocked: Certified Yapper


Cool cute game! I would like to support the project and speed up the release of new versions as much as possible. If you are interested, please contact me ksp-edik @ rambler ru


Is there a way there could be like a freeplay mode after u get all stages and things because i finished like everything but am still missing many stickers due to my bad luck lol, and what can you do with the duplicate stickers?

Is there a way for me to see what size I am?

Aren't some of the customers from Fattening Carreer?

(1 edit)

table 8 i think

Can u please refresh the discord link i wanna see what's going on there

What is WMU as a unit? I've never heard of this weight metric before


its an imaginary unit of measurement, just a number for those who like to see number go up without having to line up each individual weight stage with a grounded unit of measurement.
Galac has gone on record saying "If you need it to mean something, I unofficially consider 1 WMU to equal 0.25 lbs" so there's that if it helps!


That's incredibly helpful. Thanks for replying

Are there anymore scenes after the shopping scene?


thats the end of the content atm!

U guys mean the shopping scene where Penny,Charlotte and Emily go shopping for bigger sizes of clothes?

And my question was skipped is Emily max capacity is 19 without stickers for capacity bcs i played 6 game days and nothing changed 

once you hit the shopping scene that's everything, any more days you put in is just the play the game for high scores


it is good,can you give some Chinese?i can't understand the game story,i need Chinese,thanks😁


I am loving the cameos from other creators, refreshing to see more diversity in games like this one!




Will you guys add more things like force feeding qnd other stuff btw THE GAME IS AMAZING


I think this sticker might be bugged, I didn't see any change to the money earned with it active vs when inactive. Maybe it's cause I only have sugar bought for additional options.

small question maybe add in a check so you cant get more than 3 of the same sticker? cause at the current time once you have 3 of the same one there is no point in getting more

Or more than one of a tier on the ones where you get one bonus

is there a way that you will let us skip to where we left off on a previous update? or at least let previous players progress faster because the replaying of the old levels get tedious.


Yayy Update :)


A question is there a way to manually save progress? because automatic save is not working

How do I play the zip file on iPad


You don’t. You must play on a computer or an android phone (the apk).

Blame Apple, they don’t allow 3rd party software on their mobile devices.


Great and fun game. Keep up the good work

(1 edit) (+3)

Is there any intention of making the customers gain weight? (I mean, it'd make sense since they're coming to the cafe multiple times a day)


Update ?

Are you considering making it so there's a way to disable/re-enable certain toppings or food items? Possibly up above the food shelf there's a menu that before the day starts you select what will be for order that part of the day?


There is already a way to disable toppings in the game in case you weren't aware! Just click the toppings you want to disable before you start your shift. As for the food items, once they're added they're on the menu for anyone to order


Thank you so much^^
I in fact did not know this and was instead stuck struggling to keep up XD

Sorry for the trouble :>

no trouble! :3


The BE with the WG has been so good and equal I'm love this. I love the lactation content and can't wait to see what utterly chaos you add next


An actual fun game! it's been a while since i genuinely enjoyed a game like this. Props to the team! 👏


Great game! Cant wait for more, this is really fun!


Wonderful game! Love to see two artists team up on a project, and this one is really impressive! Especially for something coded in Ren'Py, great use of the limited engine! 

The artstyle is very adorable! :D Love the cow and all the little customer characters, very neat designs! And was happy to see Mila and Eva from Research Station M-00 in here as well! :) 

The gameplay is intense, just how you'd want a restaurant sim to be. With all the add-ons and the milking, you don't even have time to breathe :) The upgrades are plentiful and are fun to unlock, the gacha is - well, it's not a novel concept, but it's so nicely implemented! 

All in all, a light-hearted comedic story, intense gameplay and awesome art! Loved the game, wish you both all the best in your future endeavours! :D 


continue gambling for the magic stickers

cowe magicked them just for you


Fun game.  Keep up the good work. 


Awesome game! Very fun & addicting gameplay- and I love how the notepad was implemented. Keep up the great work!


Question! Will there be any additions to the patrons? Like, will some get chubby at all with future updates or no? Just curious cause after having the two girls at table 8 get cake three times in a row got me thinking ^^'


It still baffles me how people can make stuff like match-3 games and restaurant sim games in Ren'Py of all things. It's impressive, though.


amazing what you can do when you're lazy and stubborn and refuse to learn another engine


Well I now have actually finished the game and say that it's pretty good nothing much needs to change ngl haven't found any bugs or anything so yea


This is so dangerous...

I love it.


One of these days her buttons won't miss anymore...


It's fun, but I'm not sure I fully understood it.
Do we gain some kind of bonus by feeding ourselves plenty?


Emily grows in size and you get more money.

I see, thank you.


This is an amazing game!!

But i do have to say that i feel like the stikers are good but i felt like you couldn't almost use them because there is so little space for them like i could have 3 diferent ones but i really want money so i just end up using the same 3 ,there is no combination and feels like you just end up using the same ones everytime .So you could put a way to add more slots but besides that the game is amazing!! :D

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